Mimamsa Basic Course - Hindu University Of America

Mimamsa Basic Course - Hindu University Of America

Hindu University of America offers many courses such as: Vedic Courses, Sanskrit Courses, Vedic Study Courses, Hindu Vedas.

Contents of Mimamsa Basic Course: This course includes a discussion of the tradition of contributions in the Purva-mimamsa lineage and provides background on the hermeneutic nature of this knowledge system. The Foundation of Purva-mimamsa named Arthasangraha is a study text used to develop an understanding of the foundations of the Purva-mimamsa school of thought.

In this course students will be able to:

Observe the evolving nature of Vedic knowledge systems through the range and extent of valid interpretation permitted and valued within Vedic traditions. Appreciate the intricate levels to which Vedic knowledge systems are probed to arrive at conclusions that stand up to logic and reason. Apply and use the hermeneutic methods used in Purva-mimamsa in other knowledge systems and fields.

CONTACT - 407-205-2118

WEBSITE- Hindu university of America

EMAIL- saksham.mangwana@hua.edu

Address- 5200 Vineland Rd 125 Orlando, FL 32811

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